I have recently purchased a high def T.V. capable of 1080p. This is something I should have done a long time ago. I hooked up both my Xbox 360 and my PS3 and I tell you folks, F***ing amazing! The difference is truly night and day. I would really hope you guys and gals reading this get to experience high def gaming.
Now, there are ways to make your gaming experience a bit better by upping the resolution on your T.V. First of all, I recommend you stay away from any RF adapter as that severely reduces quality. In the past, I got around not having an AV connection on my T.V. by going through a VCR with AV inputs.
Secondly, you could purchase a VGA cable for your system, assuming your monitor is separate from your VGA cable. This will allow you to connect your system to your monitor. Also sometimes, its cheaper to buy a LCD monitor than it is to buy a LCD T.V. Be sure to go into your systems settings and configure to the right resolution.
Now, most monitors don't have built in speakers, or if they do, they suck. Well, a good way around this is to buy an adapter that has 2 RCA female ends and one 2mm stereo input. Plug the end into the input of your computer sound card or speakers and there you go, audio.
If your monitor does not have a separated VGA cable input, you could always purchase a T.V. tuner card. They are available through both your computers PCI slot or USB 2.0. Using this method, you might not see a significant enough difference to justify the purchase. After all, your just shooting a AV signal through another medium. Now I have heard of T.V. tuner cards that have either an HDMI input or a component input. I have not seen either of these in action so I cannot comment.
Ok, now there is one more thing I would like to mention you could do. Invest in the S video cables as most T.V.'s have this slot. You should be able to pull off 480p in these settings. One thing I would like to suggest is to purchase a Xbox high def player - If you could find one though, as they are no longer in production. The high def player hooks up to your computer assuming you find the correct drivers.
Hope these tips help you and your gaming needs. Be on the lookout for good deals on monitors or high def T.V.'s.
High Def Gaming Tips
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